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Care Institute of Safety & Health Inc.

OR 1-800-923-4566
Take "Care" in the Workplace!!

FoodSafe Level 1

FoodSafe Level 1 - 2024

FoodSafe Training

8 hours

FoodSafe is a Provincially recognized Certificate Program, with certificates issued by the Provincial Health Authority and registered with the British Columbia Centre for Disease Control.

A one day course designed for kitchen staff and dining room attendants.

·         Explore microbiology,

·         food- borne illnesses,

·         personal hygiene and health,

·         serving and dispensing,

·         food protection and preparation,

·         receiving and storing food safely,

·         ware-washing and storage methods.

Or ask about group rates.  


Course NumberDate Time
FS-25-002 Saturday, February 22, 20259:00AM-5:00PM 
FS-25-003 Saturday, 9:00AM-5:00PM
FS-24-004Saturday, 9:00AM-5:00PM